Our founders have worked with the below brands
Unlock User Insights
by AI-Led Research
Smart AI
Virtual Assistant
Conduct empathetic, insightful user interviews with our Smart AI Virtual Assistant that asks critical thinking questions.
Generate interview questions like a PRO
Generate professional, tailored interview questions, ensuring the questions asked are relevant to the research goals, leading to more meaningful insights.
No Biased Questions
Remove bias and dive deeper with follow-up questions using frameworks like The Mom Test.
Scale Product Research without Scaling Your Team
Prioritize Insights
into the Roadmap
Capture, validate, and shape ideas
Navigate user insights effortlessly with evidence-backed patterns to make the right product decisions.
Prioritize User Insights with Ease
Leverage AI to rank product features by impact, importance, and feasibility.
Auto prioritize the insights into your roadmap.
Deliver Actionable Insights to Your Team
Share relevant parts of summaries tailored for Product Managers, Tech, and Design teams, ensuring everyone has the insights they need to take the next steps.
Unlock the user insights anytime
Have AI get user feedback for you, anytime
Multi-lingual user feedback worldwide
Support web and mobile
Applicable to both physical or digital products